Benedikt Brandner

Hi, glad to see you are interested in me. Find here an interactive version of my Resume in a timeline fashion. If you don't have much time to spare, feel free to reduce text with the switches. Last but not least, don't hesitate to get in touch with me!

Work Experience

Detail Level:
  • 2013-present
    iqu Systems
    Software Architect / Software Engineer
    iqu Systems develops holistic software and hardware solutions for public transportation providers that handles everything from predicting arrival times over displaying trip information and ads in transport or at stops to maintenance, emergency and remote administration tasks. I am responsible for designing and implementing the software of displays in stations and vehicles. The position requires agile development skills as well as proficient coding skills to implement industry standards all whilst keeping the system architecture in mind to keep the software extensible and maintainable. In the past we successfully extended the software to support both TFT and LED matrix displays and both in-station and in-vehicle displays
  • 2013-2017
    Technische Universität München
    System administration at the Chair for applied software engineering. Includes tasks like server administration, setup and general user support


Detail Level:
  • 2015-present
    Honours Degree in Digital Technology Management
    CDTM connects students from diverse backgrounds in interdisciplinary and international teams to work on real life problems. CDTM fosters the entrepreneurship spirit in Germany and Munich specifically. Many successful startups have emerged from CDTM projects and keep close contact to the alumni network
  • 2015-present
    Technische Universität München
    Master Sc. Computer Science (undergraduate)
    Interdisciplinary project with the department of architecture @TUM: Working on the Collaborative Design Platform
  • 2011-2015
    Technische Universität München
    Bachelor Sc. Computer Science
    Minor: Computational linguistics
    Thesis: Face Alignment using Shape Regression
  • 2003-2011
    Allgäu-Gymnasium Kempten
    Abitur (German general university entrance certificate)


Detail Level:
  • March-August 2015
    In the scope of the project we developed a concept for a independent product that reinforces STYLIGHT’s position as an innovative tech company while augmenting the user experience of the new STYLIGHT online magazine by providing 360° views of fashion online. A fully functional prototype was built and presented in front of more than 300 people. The concept was developed and realized before big companies like Facebook and YouTube published their own concepts for 360° content
  • April-July 2016
    Consulting OpenTabs, a Munich-based digital food ordering company regarding market strategy and development


Find a selection of my private projects on Projects. Find below some team events I've been to.

Detail Level:
  • 2015
    Chrome Plugin that analyzes any webpage for entities and concepts. Allows notetaking, commenting and visualizes concepts and entities. Made in a team of four during Hackzurich 2015, awarded 2nd place.
  • 2015
    FridgeNinja - App for shared flats to track drink consumption based on bluetooth beacon authentication. Awarded Bloomberg special price