Manage your movie collection with ease

Use MovieMan to organize your collection of offline movies and series. Pull the latest information and artwork from online movie and series databases like TMDB and theTVDB. Create playlists of unwatched media or use the exporting functions to reorganize your collection or to export to media players.
Metadata Parsing

MovieMan analyzes your media files for quality, audio streams, duration and much more so you know everything.

Smart playlists and search

Looking for a specific PIXAR movie? Keeping a list of oldies you wanted to see? Smart playlists help you query your collection for literally anything.

Easy sharing

Rename all your movies, move them to another hard drive or copy a selection for a friend. Sharing your favourites was never so easy.


More Features

Online updater

MovieMan pulls the latest plot, cast, trailers, and much more info from online databases for you.

Artwork integration

MovieMan integrates online artwork such as DVD covers, series and season banners and fanmade artwork to visualize your collection.

Metadata Parsing

MovieMan analyzes your media files for quality, audio streams, duration and much more so you know everything.


Group up your watchlist, your favourites or the funniest episodes just like you would do in your music player.

Smart Playlists

Playlists that update themselves! Rate your movies and watch your favourites playlist keep up with your taste automatically.


Export playlists, movies, seasons or full series including meta information in just the way you want.

Scripting system

Reorganize your collection, batch rename movies or series or simply list your movies. With scripting you can do almost anything.

Device monitoring

Automatically import new movies from the file system or as soon as you plug in external storage.

Extensive search

Full text search your library including all meta information to find that movie that always hides in some folder..